Brisbane Institute Of Art Incorporated

41 Grafton St, Windsor QLD 4030, Australia
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We offer classes for all abilities in wonderful studios with ample parking, minutes from the CBD. We have a great choice of courses including Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Printmaking, Ceramics, Website Construction, Jewellery and Children’s Art, all of which are taught by expert tutors, specialist in their respective fields. Art classes at BiA are a relaxing way to explore your creativity.

They are structured and instructive, but enjoyable and energizing at the same time. A wide range of subjects and skill levels are available. Numbers in classes are kept to a maximum of 12 so that the tutor has plenty of time to speak to each student individually, as well as teaching the group as a whole. There is a great sense of community at BiA so many students continue with their classes term after term, sometimes in the same class sometimes progressing in skill level or changing subject.

Everyone is welcome.


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